by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.


I read in Jean Hudon's site (Veracity Series #22: Telling It As It
Is!,(13 July 2008)
archived at
that "the Antarctic ice shelf collapse 'imminent'
Scientists are warning that an Antarctic ice shelf the size of
Northern Ireland is on the verge of disintegration, even though it is
now the middle of the southern hemisphere's winter. The European
Space Agency says new satellite pictures show that the Wilkins shelf-
the largest to be threatened so far - is "hanging by its last
thread". Extending for approximately 5,600 square miles, it has been
held in place by a thin ice bridge connecting it to an island, but
this is now fracturing. The shelf, which lies near the base of the
Antarctic Peninsula, had not been expected to collapse until the
early 2020s. It provides further evidence that the planet is warming
more quickly than predicted. Scientists are stunned that it is
continuing to melt in the depths of winter, and believe that warm
water is welling up from the ocean to attack it from underneath. So
far seven shelves on the peninsula have collapsed due to climate
change. On Friday, President Bush - who last week told the G8
summit "Goodbye from the world's greatest polluter" - defied a 2007
ruling by the US Supreme Court to take action on global warming under
the Clean Air Act."

This, of course, happened before, 13,000 years ago, as Ziasudra's
(Noah's)Flood and has the same cause: the perigee (part of Nibiru's
3,6000 year orbit around our sun that's closest to the sun) of Nibiru
(the 10th planet in our solar system). The current perigee of
Nibiru, due in 2012 if orbit's remained constant or 2050 if the orbit
was slowed in 10,900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier, due to
increasing drift from Solaris of Uranus. Uranus' gravity sped
Nibiru's orbit. As a result of this close encounter between Nibiru
and Uranus, one of Nibiru's moons, Miranda, was captured by and
became a moon of Uranus as Nibiru and Uranus pulled at each other.
From 10,000B.C.E. on, Nibiru's revolution sped to 3.450 Earth years;
which makes Nibiru's next return 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as
predicated on the earlier 3600-year orbit
[Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End
of Days,
pages 315 - 317].

Whatever the actual precise perigee of Nibiru, the decades surrounding Nibiru's return to the inner solar system, it can, depending on where the other inner-solar system planets are in their
obits, create solar storms, global warming, ice ages and floods. As
Enki puts it, "The past the future shall be."

The icesheet on Antartica had built up from an Ice Age from 62,000
years ago. When Nibiru neared Earth for Nibiru's perigee, 13,000
years ago, the ice on Antarctica far exceeded the amount of ice there nowadays.
"As the ice sheet grew thicker, it trapped more of the earth's heat beneath

created (by pressure and friction) a slushy, slippery layer at its bottom.


Here's what happened last deluge:
Drought, plague and starvation stalked the Earthlings
[Sitchin, Z.,
2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 -205].
Enki and Ninmah proposed
teaching Earthlings medicine for plague, sea-fishing as well as pond-
and canal-building for drought and famine. But Enlil (Yahweh) still
seethed at Enki for creating the Earthling hybrids.

Enlil also raged at Enki's son Marduk, Marduk, who aggressively
recruited followers from the hybrid line descended from the daughters
of Adapa (the child of Enki with a hybrid Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens
beauty). Igigi (astronauts) had abducted more hybid women at
Marduk's wedding to the Earthling Sarpanit. The pure Nibiran genes
the astronauts added to the most-Nibiran-like genomes of Adapa's
daughters made their progeny among the healthiest, strongest,
smartest and longest-lived of the Earthling hybrids, hence
potentially Marduk's best followers.

Marduk conditioned this hybrid population to serve him for the time
when he and the astronauts who had taken hybrid women must remain on
Earth, the time when enough gold had been sent to Nibiru to shield
the homeplanet's atmosphere and the other Nibirans would return

Enlil, to thwart Marduk, forbade any Anunnaki help Earthlings. Let
the Earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish, decreed Enlil. He
forbade Enki from giving the desperate Earthlings access to ocean

The Earthlings at Shurubak, where Ziusudra lived under Enki's and
Ninmah's tutilage, sent Ziusudra to Enki at Edin for help. Enki
suggested the Earthlings protest Enlil's anti-Earthling policy and
boycott worship of and service to their Nibiran lords. He said,
however, he couldn't openly ignore Enlil's order and help the

Covertly, Enki fed Earthlings from his corn stores. He trained them
in ocean fishing and gave them access--disobeying Enlil-- to the
seas. When Enlil accused Enki of defying him, Enki lied, said hedidn't know the Earthlings were fishing the seas.

Frustrated, Enlil planned for the final destruction of Earthlings and
the end to Nibiran occupation of Earth
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost
Book of Enki:
206; 1978, The 12th Planet, pages 292 -294].


Each 3,600 year return of Nibiru to the Inner Solar System created
more violent disturbances on Nibiru, on the sun (huge solar flares)
on Mars (Lahmu) and on Earth.

On Earth, Enki's son Nergal reported from the south tip of Africa
that next time Nibiru nears the Sun, the Antarctic Icesheet will
slide into the sea and launch waves that will engulf most of Earth.
King Anu and the Counsel on Nibiru beamed Earth: "'For evacuating
Earth and Lahmu prepare.' In the Abzu
[Zimbabwe] the gold mines shut
down; therefrom the Anunnaki [colonists on Earth from Nibiru] to the
Edin came; ... smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was
lofted. Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots
[interplanetary spaceships] to Earth returned."


One spaceship brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu (Great
Knower) with a sealed message from Anu to Enki, Enlil and Ninmah
"Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was, its
encoding trustworthy. 'For King and Council Galzu speaks. his words
are my commands.' So did the message of Anu state. 'I am Galzu,
Emissary Plenipoteniary of King and Council, to Enlil,'" said the
mysterious visitor.
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 208].
Plenipoteniary Galzu summonsed Enlil's elder sister and brother,
Ninmah and Enki. Galzu told Ninmah, "'Of the same school and age we
are.' This Ninmah could not recall: the emissary was as young as a
son, she was as his olden mother." Galzu told Ninmah she'd aged and
he hadn't because she'd been so long on Earth. She and her brothers
had been on Earth so long that they'd die if they returned to Nibiru,
where their bodies could not survive the homeplanet's netforce.

"The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you
will return." Ninmah and her brothers must orbit Earth in their
rockets when the antarctic icesheet slipped into the ocean and waves
washed over the planet. When the waters calmed, the Leaders were to
return to Earth, the only place they could survive.
King Anu's order continued, "To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice
to leave or the calamity outwait must be given. The Igigi
[astronauts] who Earthlings espoused must between departure and
spouses choose. No Earthling, Marduk's Sarpanit included, to Nibiru
to journey is allowed. For all who stay and what happens see, in
celestial chariots they safety must seek."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002,
Lost Book of Enki
: 209 - 211].

Enlil convened the Anunnaki Council, which consisted of the Leaders'
sons and grandchildren and the Igigi commanders. He said he decided
the Earthlings must drown in the deluge.

Enki protested, "'A wonderous Being by us was created, by us saved it
must be,' Enki to Enlil shouted."

Enlil roared back,"'To Primitive Workers you gave to them knowing you
endowed. The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have
taken. With fornication Adapa you conceived , Understanding to his
line you gave. His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our
wisdom with them you shared. Every rule you have broken, decisions
and commands you ignored. Because of you a Civilized Earthling
[Abael] a brother [Ka-in] murdered. Because of Marduk your
son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.'"

Enlil demanded Enki and all Nibirans on Earth swear not to tell the
Earthlings of the impending inundation. Enki refused to sign; he and
Marduk stamped out of the Council. But Enki hestated to openly defy
Enlil, who, after all, had drawn command of Earth Mission
Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 212 -214].

Enlil brought the Council back to order. Astronauts with Adapite
wives and children, he decreed, must move to the peaks above wave
level. When the deluge engulfs Earth, repatriating colonists must
rocket to Nibiru. Enki, Ninmah, and I--as well as our sons,
daughters and their descendants--will orbit Earth till the Earthlings
drown and the waters recede. Marduk was to shelter on Marsbase;
Enlil's son Nannar would wait out Earth's flood on the
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 230].

Enki and Ninmah buried their records and computer programs deep in
the Iraqi soil. They prepared genetic banks of Earth's creatures to
save from coming flood. "Male and female essences and life-eggs they
collected, of each kind two by two ... they collected for safekeeping
while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to
recombine. The day of the deluge they waited."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002,The Lost Book of Enki: 216].

Enki dreamed Galzu spoke "'Into your hands Fate take, for the
Earthlings the Earth inherit. Summon your son Ziusudra, without
breaking the oath
[swearing not to tell humans] to him the coming
calamity reveal. A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a
submersible one, to build him tell, the likes of which on this tablet
to you I am showing. Let him in it save himself and his kinfolk and
the seed of all that is useful, be it plant or animal, also take.
That is the will of the Creator of All.'"

Enki woke and pondered his dream. He stepped out of bed and kicked an
actual tablet-- where none had been before he slept--next to his bed.
He searched his home and grounds for Galzu but Galzu was not there,
nor had anyone seen him, except Enki, in the dream. The appearance of
the tablet--a physical object--following a dream or trance encounter
with a representative of a higher power--Galzu in this instance-- is
what Sitchin calls a Twilight Zone miracle.

"That night to the reed hut where Ziusudra was sleeping Enki
stealthily went. The oath not breaking, the lord Enki not to Ziusudra
but to the hut's wall
[computer bank?] spoke from behind the reed

When Ziusudra by the words was awakened, to him Enki said, "Reed hut,
a calamitous storm will sweep, the destruction of Mankind it will be.
This is the decision of the assembly by Enlil convened. "

Galzu tells Enki (depicted with his snake icon) to warn Ziasudra
(touching the "wall"--probably a computer bank, depicted with Xs
across the screens and slots for programs) of the Flood. Galzu guides
Enki's arm to convey tablet (possibly a computer or holo disk. The
disk is shown leaving Enki's hand en route to Ziasudra's computer)
for drawing from Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: page 194,
but interpretation mine.]

Enki continued, " 'Abandon thy house, Ziusudra and build a boat. Its
design and measurements on a tablet....A boatguide
[Enki's son,
Ninagal] to you will come. To a safe haven the boatguide will
navigate you. By you shall the seed of Civilized Man survive. Not to
you Ziusudra, have I spoken, but to the reed wall did I speak.'"
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 220 -222]
13,000 years ago, around 10,900 B.C. E., "in the Whiteland, at the
Earth's bottom, off its foundation, the
[Antarctic] icesheet slipped.By Nibiru's netforce it was pulled into the south sea. A tidal wave
arose, northward spreading.

"The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted. Though
completely submerged, not a drop of water into it did enter. For
forty days, waves and storms swept Earth, downing everything on the
planet except those on mountaintops and in Ziusudra's boat"
Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 227].

Surfacing, Ninagal raised sail and steered to Mt Arrata, where
Ziusudra built a huge fire as a signal and roasted lamb as an
offering to Enki. Enki and Enlil descended in helicopters
(Whirlwinds) from their rocketships.

"When Enlil the survivors saw, Ningal among them, "`Every Earthling
had to perish', he with fury shouted'; at Enki with anger he lunged,
to kill his brother with bare hands he was ready." Ningal radioed
Ninmah and Ninurta to bring their copters down quick.

"`He is no mere mortal, my son he is,' Enki to Ziusudra pointing. `To
a reed wall I spoke, not Ziusudra.'"

Enki, joined by Ninmah and Ninurta, revealed his dream vision. He
told Enlil of the instructions and tablet Galzu gave him.
Together, Enki, Ninurta and Nimah convinced Enlil "The survival of
mankind the will of the Creator of All must be."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002,
The Lost Book of Enki: abridged from pages 228 - 229].

The flood waters from the Deluge, 13,000 years ago, receded; they
left the uplands intact. The waters had totally carried away the
Nibiran settlements and buried Mesopotamia and African goldmines
under silt and mud. "All that the Anunnaki had built in the past
432,000 years was wiped off the face of the Earth or buried under
miles thick layers of mud.
[Sitchin, Z., The Cosmic Code, p 54] Of
the Anunnaki settlements, only the raised stone Landing Place at
Baalbek, Lebanon, was intact; their spaceport at Sippar was totally


Enlil summonsed to the Landing Place the Nibirans who survived the
flood on the Earth's peaks and the astronauts in spacecraft orbiting
the planet. He also called in his son Nannar from his refuge on the
Moon and called in Enki's son Marduk from his refuge on Mars.
Marduk reported: "Lahmu
[Mars] by the passage of Nibiru was
devastated. Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters evaporated, a
place of dust storms it is."

Nannar reported the moon was now only usable with Eagle Masks


Enki opened the vault under the Lebanon Landing Platform. He
unlocked diorite chests and recovered the grainseeds Nibiru'd sent

Commander Enlil had Ninurta create an irrigation system for
Mesopotamia. Eathlings would build the system to water the grain.
Earthlings would grow wheat for bread. The Commander ordered
Ziasudra's son direct the workers for Ninurta. Before they planted,
moreover, Enki enhanced the grain. He doubled, tripled and then
quadrupled its chromosomes. [Sitchin, Z., 1985 The Wars of Gods &
Men, page124].

Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad, to survey fruit trees that
survived the flood. As he surveyed, Adad found the grapes, grapes
Ninmah'd brought from Nibiru. Earthlings could again make wine, both
white and red.

Enki's son Ninagal, who'd piloted Ziusudra's submersible, revealed
the genetic starts Enki and Ninmah had stowed aboard. Ninagal
said, "The life essences and life eggs, in the four-legged animals
from Ziusudra's boat can be combined. Sheep for wool and meat will
multiply, cattle for milk and hides will all have." [Sitchin, Z.,
2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 229 - 234] Enki bade his son
Dumuzi (helped by Ziusudra's middle son) shepherd the livestock.
Enki and Ninagal engineered a system of dams and sluices to regulate
the Nile to create a pastureland for Dumuzi's herds.

Enlil chose the Saudi Arabian Peninsula for a new interplanetary
freighter rocket terminal site to ferry the gold to the homeplanet.

The passage of Nibiru through the Inner Solar system not only damaged
Earth and Mars; it also ripped away the shield of gold dust around
the planet Nibiru, gold the astronauts had struggled for millennia to
ship to the mother planet. Nibiru's atmosphere again dwindled. The
mother planet desperately needed Earth's gold. Just when the Nibiranon Earth were ready to leave the planet forever, to leave Earthling slaves to drown and maroon Marduk and the pesky Igigi who'd bred with Earthlings on the innundated planet [Tellinger calls the offspring of
Igigi and Earthlings "Aryans" [Tellinger, M., Slave Species of god,
page 116]. Nibirans' mining enterprise on Earth needed to restart.
They needed more Earthlings and they needed more gold–quickly.
But mud covered the African mines. The hundreds of Nibiran miners
had repatriated to Nibiru. The thousands of Hybrid Earthling miners
had drowned. The gold refinery at Bad-Tibira had washed away.
Waters had swept away the rocket terminal at Sippar in Mesopotamia.

(Click on title to open)            


The Celestial Battle: Nibiru Meets Solaris and Tiamat ( Proto Earth)


Alalu Kills Nibiru's King Lahma, Gives Daughter to Ea for Feality From Anu


Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru


Nibiru Council Sends Ea, Not Enlil, to Earth


Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Alalu's Nukes, Sends Anzu & Gold to Nibiru


Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold


Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining


Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him & Anzu to Mars


Ea (Enki), Enlil & Ninmah, Three Incestuous Siblings


Enlil Banished for Rape; Abgal Betrays Enki


Enki & Ninmah Make Girls Till She Curses 


Anzu & Astronauts Rebel


Enki Instigates Goldmine Mutiny


Ninmah, Enki and Enki's Son, Ningizidda (Thoth) Create Adamu and Slave Species


Nibiru Nearing Means Climate Crisis & Food Shortage on Earth, Marsbase Closing


Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi


Ningishzidda Takes Adapa to King Anu on Nibiru, Tells Anu That Enki's Fathered Adapa, Wants Adapa Denied Immortality


Adapa's Sons, Ka-in & Abael


Marduk & Astronaut Corps Seize Hybrid Brides, & Spaceport, Threaten Enlilites


Enki Begats Noah (Ziusudra)


Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders on Mission Earth


Galzu Helps Enki Save Ziusudra & Earthlings


Ningishzidda, Memorialized as Sphinx, Creates Pyramids to Lead Rockets to Sinai Spaceport


Marduk's Son Satu Kills Brother, Asar; Asar's Son Horon Defeats Satu, Unites Egypt


Enlilites Send Ninurta to Build Second Spaceport in South America


Marduk Foils Marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi


Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth


Enlil Deposes Marduk, Divies Earth, Gives Ningishzidda Egypt but No Realm for Inanna


  Anu Uncovers Galzu's Ruses to Keep the Anunnaki Fostering Nibiran-Earthling Hybrids


  Enlil, Enki, Inanna rule regions through kings, Ninharsag, Sinai for Nibirans & Their Families Only


   Anu Takes Inanna as Lover; She Seduces Enki for Programs for Uruk


   Anu Pardons Marduk, Departs Tiahuanacu for Nibiru


Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Babylon Spaceport, Confound Earthling Languages


   Marduk/Ra Deposes Ningzidda/Thoth in Egypt


   Inanna Rules Indus & Uruk


   Utu Revives Banda; Inanna Beds Banda As Dumuzi Ressurect;
Banda & Ninsun Begat Gilgamish, Who Seeks Immortality


 Inanna & Marduk Again Fight, This Time, For All Earth


   Enlil Sends Abraham/Ibruum to Stop Marduk


  Anunnaki Nuke Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk


  Fallout from Nergal and Ninurta's Nukes Kill Sumer, Spare Marduk's Babylon

   Contact Dr. Lessin at

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Web design by Janet Kira Lessin,

  Contact Dr. Lessin at

Ancient Anthropology Certification Program

Web design by Janet Kira Lessin,



Bramley, W. W.
                1989, The Gods of Eden

Cremo, M.
and Thompson, R.
                1993,  Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race

Cremo, M.
                2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory

Freer, N.
                1999, God Games
                2000, Breaking the Godspell

Hazelton, L.
2007, Jezebel

Hoagland, R. & Bara, M.,
                2007, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA

Marrs, J.
                1998, Alien Agenda
                2000, Rule By Secrecy (Part V, Ancient Mysteries

Sitchin, Z.
                1976, The 12th Planet
                1983, The Stairway to Heaven
                1985, The Wars of Gods and Men
                1990, Genesis Revisited
                1990, The Lost Realms
                1993, When Time Began
                1995, Divine Encounters
                2002, The Lost Book of Enki
                2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions
                2007, The End of Days
                2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past
2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth: Gods, Demigods and Human Ancestry:
                        The Evidence of Alien DNA

Strauss, B.,
                2006,  The Trojan War     

Tellinger, M.
                2006, Slave Species of god 

Thompson, R.
                1993, Alien Identities


Abraham Abandons Wife and Son to Die; Would Kill Second Son as Enlil Ordered
Alalu's Face at Cyndonia, Mars Before NASA Defaced It
Ancient Anthropology & The Godspell
Humanity: Break the ETs Godspell
Our Ancestor-gods on Nibiru: Succession to Rule Won by Lot or Wrestling Rather than War
Babel Gets Babble When Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Bablylon Launch Tower
Enki Speaks: A Quote
Gods, We Claim Partnership: World History Revised
Homo Sapiens: Half Ape/Half E.T.
Inanna In Ancient Literature
Ishtar’s Tantric Temple and Tantricas Bless Uruk
Moonwalkers: Humans Trod the Moon Long Before Apollo Astronauts
Our Ancestor-gods on Nibiru
Stop Slavishly Playing Yahweh's Servant
10th Planet Astronauts Mine Earth's Gold
Ninurta and Nergal Nuke Sinai and Canaan
Nibiru meets Solaris and Tiamat
Ninmah, Mother of Humanity, Journeys to Earth
The Deluge's Coming Again
Sitchin on The Children of Israel in Egypt
Why Nibirans Denied Our Ancestors Immortality
Why They Started Mutilating Our Phalluses
Wild & City Humans Were Contemporaneous
Yahweh & Moses


(Click on title to open)            


The Celestial Battle: Nibiru Meets Solaris and Tiamat ( Proto Earth)


Alalu Kills Nibiru's King Lahma, Gives Daughter to Ea for Feality From Anu


Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru


Nibiru Council Sends Ea, Not Enlil, to Earth


Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Alalu's Nukes, Sends Anzu & Gold to Nibiru


Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold


Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining


Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him & Anzu to Mars


Ea (Enki), Enlil & Ninmah, Three Incestuous Siblings


Enlil Banished for Rape; Abgal Betrays Enki


Enki & Ninmah Make Girls Till She Curses 


Anzu & Astronauts Rebel


Enki Instigates Goldmine Mutiny


Ninmah, Enki and Enki's Son, Ningizidda (Thoth) Create Adamu and Slave Species


Nibiru Nearing Means Climate Crisis & Food Shortage on Earth, Marsbase Closing


Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi


Ningishzidda Takes Adapa to King Anu on Nibiru, Tells Anu That Enki's Fathered Adapa, Wants Adapa Denied Immortality


Adapa's Sons, Ka-in & Abael


Marduk & Astronaut Corps Seize Hybrid Brides, & Spaceport, Threaten Enlilites


Enki Begats Noah (Ziusudra)


Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders on Mission Earth


Galzu Helps Enki Save Ziusudra & Earthlings


Ningishzidda, Memorialized as Sphinx, Creates Pyramids to Lead Rockets to Sinai Spaceport


Marduk's Son Satu Kills Brother, Asar; Asar's Son Horon Defeats Satu, Unites Egypt


Enlilites Send Ninurta to Build Second Spaceport in South America


Marduk Foils Marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi


Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth


Enlil Deposes Marduk, Divies Earth, Gives Ningishzidda Egypt but No Realm for Inanna

    30   Anu Uncovers Galzu's Ruses to Keep the Anunnaki Fostering Nibiran-Earthling Hybrids

  Enlil, Enki, Inanna rule regions through kings, Ninharsag, Sinai for Nibirans & Their Families Only

    32    Anu Takes Inanna as Lover; She Seduces Enki for Programs for Uruk
    33    Anu Pardons Marduk, Departs Tiahuanacu for Nibiru

Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Babylon Spaceport, Confound Earthling Languages

    35    Marduk/Ra Deposes Ningzidda/Thoth in Egypt
    36    Inanna Rules Indus & Uruk
    37    Utu Revives Banda; Inanna Beds Banda As Dumuzi Ressurect;
Banda & Ninsun Begat Gilgamish, Who Seeks Immortality


 Inanna & Marduk Again Fight, This Time, For All Earth

    39    Enlil Sends Abraham/Ibruum to Stop Marduk
    40   Anunnaki Nuke Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk
    41   Fallout from Nergal and Ninurta's Nukes Kill Sumer, Spare Marduk's Babylon
    42   Enlil Demands Obscene Obedience: The Story of Abraham, Hagar, Ismael & Isaac
    43   Children of Jacob = Israel in Egypt
    44    Enlil: Moses, Bring Jacob's Descendants from Egypt to Canaan
    45    Enlilite Power Grows Against Enkiite Egypt and Babylon


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